TypeScript: making JavaScript tolerable

By David Pine

Elevator Pitch

JavaScript (JS) has changed the world as we know it. JS applications are growing both in popularity and size. It is time that the language is treated with more respect. Giving your JS code types will help you develop faster, write code with fewer bugs and allow for easier refactoring.


JavaScript has changed the world as we know it. It’s applications are growing both in popularity and size. It is time that we give this language the respect it deserves. By leveraging TypeScript’s type-system, your large JavaScript application code will be developed faster with fewer type-related bugs and allow for easier refactoring.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that scales. Allow me to show you why I believe TypeScript makes JavaScript tolerable. Discover how TypeScript is backwards compatible to ES3, yet lets developers use the latest in the ECMAScript standards today. Become the most productive JavaScript developer you can by relying on TypeScript.


I have given this talk @ Milwaukee Code Camp, Chicago Code Camp, Prairie.Code(), Chicago JS Meetup and Dev Up. I keep the talk updated as TypeScript is constantly evolving and it is fun to track the various new features. Also, one consideration is I “might” need travel expense assistance – let’s talk about that if I’m considered. I might be able to convince my employer to cover it.