Why wear glasses when you can C#

By David Pine

Elevator Pitch

C# is one of the world’s most powerful programming languages today and is used by millions of developers! Knowing how to leverage features the language offers is vital to productivity. In this talk you’ll learn about C# 7.x and be enabled to express functionality with fewer lines of code.


Anticipate an overview of C#, touching on its history and progression through the years. Ultimately the talk will lead up to the evolution of C# 7.x and Microsoft’s open-source C# compiler “Roslyn”. An attendee could expect to to learn something new about C# and walk away from this talk feeling enabled to express functionality with fewer lines of code.

  • Brief History of C#
  • Evolution of C#
  • Leveraging Features

I will cover language features with an emphasis on the latest feature set coming from C# 7.0 - 7.1. I don’t usually Java, but when I do I C#!