Web Components Fundamentals & Authoring

By David Poindexter

Elevator Pitch

Web Components are the way of the modern web. They are here. They are available. They are powerful. They are independent. Browsers support them. You can use them. You can author them. DNN vNow and vNext will embrace them with open arms!


In this session, we’ll discuss The JavaScript Condition and then dive right into Web Components. You may have heard of or even utilized web components that are framework dependent, but how about Framework Independent Components? We’ll explore the four specifications for modern web components: Custom Elements, HTML Imports, HTML Templates, and the Shadow DOM. These components are HTML + pure JavaScript. You can use them within the context of any JS framework or no JS framework at all! We’ll look at browser support and finally tooling for authoring Web Components. This may all sound super geeky, but please don’t let that scare you away. If you know or manage people that know HTML and a bit of JavaScript, you are equipped for this session!