Istio, your K8S cluster best friend ❤️

By Kevin Davin

Elevator Pitch

In a distributed world, we are facing new challenges. Circuit-breaking, retries, timeouts, blue-green deployments, A/B testing, pool-ejections… all of those replace our old monolith problem.

Istio ⛵️is here to tackle those issues and can do even more!


In a distributed world, we are facing new challenges. Circuit-breaking, retries, timeouts, blue-green deployments, A/B testing, pool-ejections… all of those replace our old monolith problem.

Istio ⛵️is here to tackle those issues and can do even more!

In this talk, we will dive into the tooling provided by Istio. It can replace the Netflix stack and some dedicated frameworks in our micro-services environment. We will see new paradigms of development brought by Istio to deploy and operate applications with resiliency.

Then, we will go deeper into the architecture of Istio, its internal components and new features from the 1.4.X release. We will see how to customize some underlying elements, like the Envoy Proxy.


This presentation is a good introduction to Istio to help teams on their journey in the Kubernetes world. I present the “Go to production” path used in our mission to remove all downtimes during delivery of new versions. I keep this presentation up to date since the beginning, so at RigaDevDays, I plan to make my demo on the version 1.5 of Istio which should just be released by then (I’ve done the same for the 1.4 at