Machine Learning for amateurs. ML Kit for Firebase

By Aleksandr Denisov

Elevator Pitch

Getting started with machine learning can be difficult for many developers. Typically, new ML developers spend a lot of time for learning how implement low-level models, using frameworks, and etc. ML Kit gives you opportunities to harness the power of ML without needing to be an expert in it.


This session is devoted to the use of a new service, announced on Google I / O 2018 - ML Kit for Firebase. The first part of session is about implementing a solution quickly. ML Kit gives five ready-to-use (“base”) APIs that address common mobile use cases: Text recognition, Face detection, Barcode scanning, Image labeling, Landmark recognition. We will take a look at all of them. The second part is about preparing and deploying custom models. Together with the audience we will create and learn own model and try to use it in demo app


My last talks: CodeFest 2018 (Novosibirsk, Russia); DevFest Istanbul 2017 (Istanbul, Turkey); DevFest North 2017 (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)