When cloud costs just don't cut it - visibility into the unknown

By Elad Amit

Elevator Pitch

DevOps broke the barrier between Developers and Operations. FinOps is now breaking them between Finance and Engineering. Just as CI/CD made DevOps a must have, in a cloud environment FinOps is now the next frontier. Come hear how we took back control over our cloud spend!


As PerimeterX grew from a few dozen accounts to a three digit number and as our GCP spend grew along with it; We found ourselves asking ever more complex questions about our cost model. Our main purpose was to better empower our organization, both Dev and Finance to reach better decisions. The first was around architecutre, design and operations while the second was around optimizing contract pricepoints and organizational performance. In this talk we will talk about how we evolved the basic visibility provided by GCP to the FinOps dream and better serving both Engineering and Finance understand a complex cost model by account in a complex multi-tenant environment allowing for year over year reductions in cost by properly targeting the right issues.