Saving up for technical debt - how to prepare so you don't go bankrupt

By Elad Amit

Elevator Pitch

Over the past year or so we’ve had the chance to get an accelerated view of moving from small to large scale. This made our mistakes, as well as our wiser decisions, very apparent We’d like to share both so that others can better prepare for the stage in between and avoid going tech. bankrupt


2-4 minutes - Introductions - in which we discover who I am, what I do, and why you should listen

2-4 minutes - Speed vs. Acceleration - in which the physics of acceleration are compared with that of software development in general and specifically in relation to technical debt

4-6 minutes - Lesson 1 - Using vendor lockin to your advantage - in which we learn that vendor lockin is more of a boogey man than a real problem in today’s industry and how you can use it to your advantage

4-6 minutes - Lesson 2 - No one cares if your metrics look fine - in which we learn why the metrics you collect from your hosts are interesting but very lacking and what you should be adding and why

6-8 minutes - Lesson 3 - Build independent systems - in which we discover the one truly important thing about distributed systems and how to achieve it with minimal effort

6-8 minutes - Lesson 4 - You’re going to lose control - where we come to grips with reality and our small place in the universe and learn how to make it cleanup its own mess

3-5 minutes - Recap and Q&A


Gave this talk around good practices for scrum masters at Agile Israel 2010 - And this talk around ToC thinking processes and their relation to agile transformations at Agile Israel 2011 - and at Agile Central Europe 2011 as well - I’ve also given several agile courses in Israel and Canada from 2009-2011, class sizes varied from 15-30 people Managed large scale ops at Oberon Media, Aol Video, and PerimeterX