SaaS to opensource - The story of monitoring in the cloud

By Elad Amit

Elevator Pitch

In 2018 there is no need to compromise on observability or pay too much for it once you grow We would like to share how we migrated from datadog to a combination of prometheus, grafana, ELK and reimann to cut our ~1500 host setup substantially and improve our observability at the same time


Cloud monitoring is a complex thing and several successful startups and services are out there to meet your needs As you grow, you will find that the cost begins to outweigh the benefit and you will be tempted to search for an alternative We would like to share our story and how we migrated from datadog to a combination of prometheus, grafana, ELK and reimann to cut our ~1500 host setup substantially and improve our observability at the same time

key take aways: Cost effectiveness of SaaS monitoring solutions vs. open source solutions Contrast capabilities between datadog and the prometheus-grafana stack How to perform a successful gradual shift between the two solutions How to augment the prometheus-grafan stack with reimann and ELK for improved observability