Managing Your Managers...They're People Too...

By Elad Amit

Elevator Pitch

Why should your manager be given advice on how to work and manager you while you’re kept in the dark? Join us for 30 minutes to acquire some basic tools and habits which will help you better communicate and work with your manager


When you graduate into being a team leader or any other kind of manager you are (if you’re lucky) granted some time to learn how to work with your employees. Communication, work processes, expectations and motivation. Issues passed on to you by your peers, managers and external consultants and coaches . This layer, however, is at best 10-20% of the work force (depending on how flat you’ve been able to keep your organization) . What about the rest of us?! In this talk, we will go over a few of the basic skills and tools no one tells you about which you can use when you need to manage your managers…cause at the end of the day, they’re human too…


  • 2-4 minutes - Introductions - in which we discover who I am, what I do, and why you should listen
  • 4-6 minutes - Lesson 1 - some basic human skills (like feedback, and listening)
  • 4-6 minutes - Lesson 2 - what your managers care about, what you care about and bridging the two
  • 10-13 minutes - Lesson 3 - three basic types of managers and some optimal tools for communication
  • 3-5 minutes - Recap and Q&A