Serverless in the finance industry with OpenFaaS and AWS Fargate

By Edward Wilde

Elevator Pitch

This is the first time OpenFaaS has been able to run in AWS without any servers! Ed would like to share with the community the benefits we observed using an open-source functions platform, while still leveraging our cloud vendors ecosystem and why we built a provider to make OpenFaaS run on Fargate


Form3 delivers cloud-based connectivity, payment processing, clearing and settlement services to a wide range of regulated financial institutions. In this talk, Edward describes how Form3 use open-source serverless computing to augment their microservices architecture.

This talk charts the journey and experience of a small engineering team’s effort to run serverless computing using open-source tools. Ed will start by explaining why Form3 use functions as a service, and how they began their voyage on AWS Lambda and ended up taking that fantastic experience forward to OpenFaaS. Finally we see how Form3 integrated with OpenFaaS by building an open-source provider for AWS Fargate. We examine the benefits, tradeoffs with this setup and checkout some demos.

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