ChatGPT Human-like conversation realized in Japanese

By ChatGPT Japan GPTJP_net

Elevator Pitch

The main feature of the Japanese version of ChatGPT is that it is not only a simple question answering function, but also allows for natural conversation


The main feature of the ChatGPT 日本語 is that it is not only a simple question answering function, but also allows for natural conversation. In this article, we will explore how ChatGPT Japanese achieves human-like conversations.

ChatGPT Japanese conversation ability

Contextual understanding

Understand not just a single sentence, but the context surrounding it. Get the flow of the conversation.

Understanding of intent

You can understand the other person’s intentions and respond accordingly.

Diverse expressive power

Rather than a monotonous fixed response, it generates responses with diverse expressiveness.

Natural language

You can have a conversation in a natural colloquial style.

Flexible deployment

You can develop the conversation flexibly without sticking to a given response.

Measures to make Japanese conversation natural

Appropriate use of honorific language

You can use appropriate honorific language depending on the situation.

Understanding the cultural context

You can understand Japan’s unique cultural background and reflect it in your conversations.

Understanding and expressing nuances

Understand the nuances of words and be able to express them in subtle ways.

Understanding wordplay

It can handle Japanese word games such as word games and Hyakunin Isshu.

Understanding current events

You can understand current events and trends and use them in conversations.

Character conversation

Character settings

By setting your own character, you can have unique conversations.

Change in wording

You can have a consistent conversation by using words that match the character.

Attitude that matches the character

You can change the way you react depending on the character’s personality.

Personalize greetings

You can personalize it by setting your own greeting phrase.

Setting the tone

You can converse in a tone that suits your character (methodical, cheerful, etc.).


In this way, ChatGPT Japanese goes beyond a mere question-and-answer system and realizes natural, human-like conversations through context understanding and flexible generation capabilities. The quality of conversation will continue to improve. It can be said that this is a major innovation in the field of natural language processing.