James Robert Perih

Regina, SK


James Robert Perih

James Robert Perih has been a full-stack software developer for over 20 years, leading teams in various startups including SkipTheDishes, Lumeca Health, Hoolima, and more. Having started out with web frameworks (primarily for backend-development), and an extended tour of cross-platform frameworks (such as PhoneGap/Cordova, Ionic, and Xamarin, he migrated to front-end development in native languages such as Objective-C and Java due to the speed and performance limitations of the front-end cross-platform mobile frameworks of the time. He later adopted more modern front-end development frameworks once React 13 was available, including BlackBerry 10 Development in Cascades/Qt for Government applications.

Thought to have been at the top of his game in regards to front-end cross-platform frameworks, James was introduced to Flutter and it’s underlying language, Dart. He has now adopted a Flutter (and Dart) approach to every user problem he has encountered.

James now leads a medium-sized software development team, managing their workflows and teaching them to adopt Flutter and Dart programming patterns as alternatives to other frameworks.