Just-in-Time (JIT) learning for calm and profit

By J.C. Hiatt

Elevator Pitch

Our field moves fast and it can often feel like a full-time job just keeping up with what’s going on and what’s coming next. In this talk, you’ll learn how to stay up to date without spending unnecessary time and energy learning things ahead of time that you may not actually need to know right now.


In many situations, it’s a good thing to be prepared. But there’s a difference between being spending time preparing for something and simply wasting your time.

Trying to stay up to date by diving deep into every new buzzword you hear is going to make you either insane or insanely unproductive.

In this talk, we’ll cover strategies for keeping new things on your radar (and knowing when something should not be on your radar) as well as how to decide when it’s time to learn it. By learning new things Just-in-Time, you’ll stay less anxious and more productive!