Chaos Engineering in React

By J.C. Hiatt

Elevator Pitch

Chaos Engineering has historically been a topic for the DevOps community, but the frontend is one of the most chaotic environments in existence. Learn about chaos in the frontend and how we can make our React applications more fault-tolerant.


By introducing entropy into our frontend, we can make our application have greater fault tolerance and ultimately provide superior experiences to our users. This talk will introduce the concept of fault tolerance and chaos engineering in the frontend (and specifically, in React applications).

In addition to covering the concept of chaos in the frontend, I will cover how we specifically deal with it in React using React Error Boundaries. No prior knowledge of React will be required to understand the main concepts, although those familiar with React may get even more out of the talk.

I will also be demoing my soon-to-be-released library I’ve been working on called React Chaos, which will help introduce entropy into your React applications with less configuration.

Attendees should walk away with:

  • High-level examples of how chaos engineering can benefit the frontend
  • How Error Boundaries help make React applications more fault-tolerant
  • How they can immediately start introducing entropy into their React apps using React Chaos