Chaos Engineering — Not just a DevOps thing anymore

By J.C. Hiatt

Elevator Pitch

Chaos Engineering has historically been a topic for the DevOps community, but the frontend is one of the most chaotic environments in existence. Learn about chaos engineering in the frontend and how we can run chaos experiments in the frontend to ensure better experiences for our users.


The DevOps community has been enjoying the benefits of chaos engineering for nearly a decade — it’s time we bring it to the frontend and enjoy those same benefits! By introducing entropy into our frontend, we can make our application have greater fault tolerance and ultimately provide superior experiences to our users. This talk will introduce the concept of fault tolerance and chaos engineering in the frontend.

Attendees should walk away with:

  • What chaos engineering is
  • High-level examples of how chaos engineering can benefit the frontend
  • A good idea of how they may be able to begin running chaos experiments in the frontend