Jered Sutton



Jered has 16+ years of experience as both an individual contributor and leader in a range of industries including Wireless ISPs, Human Resources, Automotive, and one of the Big 4 financial firms. He focuses on deep understanding and using a combination of technology and process to build sustainable solutions to big operational problems around infrastructure management. He is passionate about open source technology and loves sharing his passion with anyone and everyone. A short list of the things you can ask him about: Python, Saltstack, Ansible, Docker, Vagrant, Splunk, Cloud(s), Devops and Serverless. He is currently advocating for thoughtful operations with OpStack, Inc, a technology consulting startup helping companies embrace automation and love their stack.

My Talks

Ansible: Testing with Molecule and Testinfra

Multi-cloud with Terraform and Ansible

Testing your IaC with Testinfra and InSpec

Vagrant for Fun and Maybe Profit

Vagrant: I'm not dead yet.