Community: What is it Good For?

By Jeremy Meiss

Elevator Pitch

Communities - they’re all around us, right? “Why do I need a community with my software project?” or “What good is hand-holding users of my app or company’s service?” or “Who drank all the LaCroix?” Regardless, we’ll right in on the subject of communities, what they are, how to build & keep them.


Communities - they’re all around us, right? You may say, “Why do I need a community with my software project?” or “What good is hand-holding users of my app or company’s service?” or “Who drank all the LaCroix?” Regardless of your question or where you stand on communities, they each are unique and have their own DNA. The challenge (aka adventure) for community managers is digging in and mapping out their community’s DNA. We’ll jump right in to our elbows on the subject of communities, what they are, how to build them, and how to keep them. Drawing from almost 10 years of experience with one of the largest mobile communities, XDA-Developers, as well as work being done with Auth0, we’ll hopefully learn new techniques without falling asleep.


I have spent over 10 years working with online communities around the world with XDA-Developers (the largest mobile community with 7+mil members) and Auth0. I have spoken at Droidcon UK 2015/16/17, Colombia 4.0 2017, and numerous other events. A recent talk I gave has been cross-posted to YouTube - My only requirement is a warm-bodied audience.