Auditing your front-end for performance and scalability

By James Wilkinson

Elevator Pitch

In a world of mobile first and content rich how does your front-end perform? In this talk James will walk you through the importance of web performance, tools to audit your front-end, give you tips on how to fix it, and bring it all back together to always scale.


The mobile web is growing and taking over, desktop sites have become massively content rich, and a major shift of buying to e-commerce has occurred. How does your application measure up against the Google, Etsy, and Walmart’s of the world? Are you sacrificing conversion for that massive hero image? Or maybe you want to add a new feature but your spaghetti code prevents you.

In this talk James walks through the importance of performance on the web, gives you some sobering stats to share with executive to secure buy in for launching a few performance focused sprints, and shows you a few key tools to audit your front-end for performance and scalability. Many tips and tricks will be shared that you can implement now for results, and some paradigms to follow when scaling to make sure you application can always perform.

Are you ready for 2G Tuesdays and 3sec load times? Come to this sessions to prepare yourself and leave not only knowing why you need to tackle your performance problem but how, and most importantly how to keep it from happening again!


  • Mini-DP Laptop Output
  • Widescreen Presentation
  • Can be done as a short talk where we don’t demo the tools just talk about them and fixes, a longer 60min talk where we demo the tools and talk about fixes, or 2hr workshop where we go through the tools and the fixes in more depth.