Work + Family + Self + Fast Paced Industry = \_(_)_/

By Josh Atwell

Elevator Pitch

Keeping up with the brisk pace of change requires a steady stream of investment of your time and energy. How do you stay in the forefront while maintaining some element of balance in your overall life? In this talk I’ll share my story of investment as a baseline for future discussion.


Keeping up with the brisk pace of change requires a steady stream of investment of your time and energy. While this motivates us, it also takes a negative toll on our lives. How do you stay in the forefront while maintaining some element of balance in your overall life? In this talk I’ll share my story of investment as a baseline for discussion. I’ll share how I came to make key choices at different points in my career. I’ll discuss how it effected (and still effects) my family, my relationships, and my career. My goal is to open up dialog and make us more comfortable discussing this topic.


I wrote this talk because I saw a number of people succumbing to the pressure of trying to get it all done and meeting some abstract view of what an engineer is supposed to be. It follows the track of how I was trying to build my career. Things I got right, and some significant things I got wrong which led to being totally burned out and having to rethink what I wanted my life to look like. It’s a personal narrative that I work to highlight common patterns we find all of ourselves in working in this industry.