Joshua S Campbell

Washington D.C. Metro Area


Dr. Joshua S. Campbell, Founder and CEO of Sand Hill Geographic, has almost 20 years of experience working with geographic information science and technology, including a range of open source and proprietary GIS software. While at the State Department’s Humanitarian Information Unit, Dr. Campbell created MapGive, a crowdsource mapping initiative designed to catalyze volunteer mapping into OpenStreetMap to support the humanitarian, development, and disaster risk reduction communities. Sand Hill Geographic focuses on strategic consulting and geospatial product management, and is helping build tools to better utilize OSM (and OSM structured data) in GIS, as well as investigating ways crowdsourcing methodologies can be applied to traditional geospatial data production.

Dr. Campbell is a Councilor of the American Geographical Society, a Voting Member of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and a Charter member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. He holds a Ph.D. in Geography, a M.A. in Geography, and Bachelors in Anthropology, each from the University of Kansas.