So, you want an accessibility score?

By Karl Groves

Elevator Pitch

Everyone agrees that it is a good idea to track various KPIs for quality. But how do we “grade” accessibility? This talk will examine the various methods of coming up with a score, including the “One True Metric”


Everyone agrees that it is a good idea to track various KPIs for quality. But how do we “grade” accessibility? Fundamentally, accessibility is about usability for people with disabilities, and this is already hard to get a handle on. But there are things that we can measure, track, and grade such as: tests passing vs. tests failing, severity of user impact, and volume of errors. But how does that truly relate to the human experience? Given that 20% of the population has some sort of disability, this is an important topic to nail down. During this talk, I will discuss how I’ve arrived at the “One True Metric”


I’m an engaging speaker with a over a decade of experience presenting, holding workshops, and training. I’ve spoken in 7 countries and 11 US states.

18 videos of some of my presentations can be seen at

Below is a partial the conferences I’ve spoken at:

  • NationJS, Washington DC (multiple)
  • Beyond Tellerand, Germany
  • ParisWeb, Paris France (multiple)
  • Better By Design, Madison Wisconsin (workshop)
  • Fronteers Spring Conference, Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Elements Web Conference at Penn State
  • IEEE Information Visualization, Baltimore Maryland
  • Annual Conference of the Society for Technical Communications, Baltimore Maryland
  • Frontend Conference, Zurich Switzerland
  • RVA JavaScript Conference