Accessibility of Forms

By Karl Groves

Elevator Pitch

Forms are the #1 method for users to interact on a website - with the site owner or with each other. During this full-day workshop attendees will learn the numerous challenges that people with disabilities have when using forms and how to design and develop more accessible forms.


Forms are the #1 method for users to interact on a website - with the site owner or with each other. Forms are how content is created and how visitors convert to customers. By volume, issues with forms outnumber all other issue types. During this full-day workshop attendees will learn the numerous challenges that people with disabilities have when using forms and how to design and develop more accessible forms. During a highly interactive and collaborative hands-on workshop, attendees will go through the process of planning, designing, and developing a form. Throughout several breakout sessions, attendees will collaborate on tasks that include:

Planning the form Choosing the proper fields Design and layout of the form Accepting and processing input Error prevention Validation Along the way the attendees will be creating their own form and testing their form for usability and accessibility.


I’m an engaging speaker with a over a decade of experience presenting, holding workshops, and training. I’ve spoken in 7 countries and 11 US states.

18 videos of some of my presentations can be seen at

Below is a partial the conferences I’ve spoken at:

  • NationJS, Washington DC (multiple)
  • Beyond Tellerand, Germany
  • ParisWeb, Paris France (multiple)
  • Better By Design, Madison Wisconsin (workshop)
  • Fronteers Spring Conference, Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Elements Web Conference at Penn State
  • IEEE Information Visualization, Baltimore Maryland
  • Annual Conference of the Society for Technical Communications, Baltimore Maryland
  • Frontend Conference, Zurich Switzerland
  • RVA JavaScript Conference