Profit Without Oppression: A Blueprint for Building an Antiracist Organization

By Kim Crayton

Elevator Pitch

Profit Without Oppression (PWO) is an economic theory based on the understanding that to advance in ways where harm is not treated as a necessary “cost of doing business,” we must forge an entirely new path that leads to a supremacy, coercion, discrimination, and exploitation free future.


Every part of our current political, social, and economic systems, institutions, and policies are rooted in oppression. They require domination, theft, dishonesty, intolerance, and the harming of others as fuel to operate AND are designed to discourage and even crush any challenge.

As we face our uncertain future, some understand that systems, institutions, and policies designed to oppress are not only unethical and immoral but also unsustainable. The flaws that inherently exist when exclusion is the business model are increasingly being highlighted globally.

Why this PWO?

  1. Doing business in the 21st century requires that we shift from operating as if we’re still able to leverage the knowledge economy in the same ways that were prevalent during the industrial economy
  2. We have spent decades throwing money at scaling the next big product or service, with little to no regard to building the necessary policies, processes, and procedures needed to ensure long-term organizational success.
  3. Strategic ignorance, the ability to erect barriers to ensure that one never encounters new information that dictates behavioral changes, increasingly results in unexpected crisis management issues.
  4. Establishing a organizational culture that is rooted in welcoming and psychological safety enables organizational leaders to be better positioned to innovate, compete, and profit.
  5. The future of work is accommodations, not assimilation and very few organizational leaders possess the knowledge and skills needed to leverage this as an organizational asset.


“While many of you view disruption as an innovative/clever product or service… my aim is to disrupt your thinking; to challenge the status quo; to scale welcoming and psychological safety.” - Kim Crayton, Antiracist Economist

As the Antiracist Economist, Kim Crayton is dedicated to building a future that Is Supremacy, Coercion, Discrimination, and Exploitation FREE. Formerly known for #causeascene, she used her platform to call out harm and the facade of inclusion, often advising with tech companies that were experiencing “challenges” when it came to ensuring the welcoming and psychological safety of their work environment.

After years of the status quo Kim has shifted. She is no longer putting out fires and instead is ready to focus her time and efforts on moving forward. Having worked many years as an educator she decided to also become the mentor she wished she’d had. Using her own lived experience to guide her, Kim has been actively working, as an advisor, educator and mentor, to support the development of businesses that model Profit Without Oppression by sharing knowledge and helping others develop skills in ways that accommodate the masses. In doing so Kim is laying the foundation for a Future that is Hopeful, Authentic and Strategic in Action.