GitHub Actions

By Siarhei Krukau

Elevator Pitch

A short introduction to GitHub Actions: features, concepts, demo and a few ideas for inspiration.


Probably every software engineer is familiar with Jenkins, a 15 years old piece of software. Chances are, you’ve seen it through your career, whether it was your choice or not. It gets better with the introduction of Pipelines a few years ago, but still, many jobs are configured manually by “build engineers” which seem to be not very DevOps’ish.

We’ve also seen the new generation of CI services, started by Travis CI. Services like Travis, Circle, and Drone were a fresh breeze: they provided a simple configuration DSL yet they were powerful enough to cover most needs. But they were “aliens”: third party tools you have to trust and provide them access to your codebase.

Finally, the evolution of CI services brought us GitLab CI and GitHub Actions. Tools integrated directly in your favorite VCS server covering everything you need from matrix testing to release management and deployments.

I will tell about GitHub Actions in this talk. I will overview the service and show the solutions to the most popular tasks, like building, testing, and deploying a project.

I’ve already presented this talk at Ministry of Testing Abu Dhabi, check it out:


I’ve already presented this talk at Ministry of Testing Abu Dhabi, check it out: