Android Hotspot hunting - making process and code better and Android engineers happier

By Maia Grotepass

Elevator Pitch

Android teams working on legacy code go slower if there are code and process hotspots. This talk shows practical approaches and tools to detect hotspots and discuss ways of tackling the problems. The content is based on a practical experience of a team of 20 Android devs on code started in 2014.


Working in a team of Android engineers on a shared long lived codebase has its challenges. This talk presents a collection of practical tools for both process and code. We will look at ways to determine process or code hotspots as well as ways to tackle these problems. This talk is based on practical experience in a team of 20 Android engineers with a shared code base that was started in 2014.

We will answer these questions and more: * Where are the codebase hotspots? * Where are the development process hotspots? * What tools are available? * How to tell if the codebase is in a good state? * What techniques did my team use?

This talk will give a collection of tools, approaches and practical feedback from a working team.


duration: 40 min audience: Anybody working in an Android team that wants to make it better for everyone This talk has not been presented at any events yet.