Verifying the Accessibility of your Application

By Michael Prentice

Elevator Pitch

Accessibility is a critical piece of all public web applications today. Come get introduced to a number of tools and systems needed for testing the accessibility of a web app. This talk includes demos of Chrome Dev Tools, Lighthouse Accessibility Audits, and screen readers (VoiceOver and ChromeVox).


This talk starts with some recent news to help justify the cost of Accessibility to the business. Then it introduces you to the WAI-ARIA specifications from W3C. Next we review many of the latest tools for testing accessibility of web applications. This includes a demo of Chrome DevTools and Lighthouse’s Accessibility Audits.

We review the screen reader ecosystem and demo both VoiceOver (macOS) and ChromeVox (Chrome OS). Finally I present the minimal set of devices that I’ve found work best for verifying the accessibility of your web application.


I have presented similar content to Angular Bolivia and Angular Day Medillín in Spanish, but this talk will include updates for the latest features of the tools and latest news from the industry. This version of the talk will be presented in English.

Technical requirements - projector - sound output (headphone out from laptop) - internet (might be able to do without if given enough notice)

I’ve been working on addressing accessibility issues in the AngularJS Material project for the last 2 years. This has helped make tens of thousands of applications, inside and outside of Google, more accessible.