Evolving DevOps in the Age of Kubernetes!

By Himanshu Patel

Elevator Pitch

DevOps and CI/CD have been quite popular for over a decade. Also the Dev, Ops and Sec had been traditionally operating in own silos for years. However, lately the industry is forced to evolve this paradigm. Why? Let’s glance through the incremental evolution of Intense DevOps & DevSecOps practices!


Code is neither built nor ran today the way it used to be a few years ago! What really has changed and how did that impact the space of Continuous Integration and Delivery?

Although the purpose “boost Code Quality, Integrity and accelerate the Delivery of Code Changes to customers” has remained unchanged, how that is accomplished today has certainly changed!

Let’s look into a Traditional CI/CD Model that did the job once! And then jump back into the age of Kuberentes and Containers to see what are the new challenges and expectations from CI/CD & DevOps Practices.

Further, Let’s look at how the authorities of Development, Operations and Security worked in their own silos once! And then jump back into the edge of Kuberentes where these silos were challenged and the authorities are forced to come together as emerging DevSecOps Paradigm!

Please join me to explore the journey of evolution of DevOps and DevSecOps in our industry in last few years!


I believe sharing the Journey of DevOps Transformation to support the Kubernetes & Containers Model across the horizons of Culture, Process & Technology would be quite exciting for the audience of all levels on your platform. I am sure many would be able to connect well with our Story and relate closely the Challenges we faced and Approach we took for the betterment. Also, I can provide presentations, GitHub, DockerHub and other resources to help understand the scale of my speaking experiences.