DIY - Containers & Kubernetes

By Himanshu Patel

Elevator Pitch

Do it Yourself on LOCAL Machine! Containers, Kubernetes, DevOps! Heard a lot & sounds tempting but How do I start? If that’s your story, this DIY session is for you to Build/Publish/Deploy Microservice in Local Container Registry & Local Kubernetes Cluster from scratch with DevOps CI/CD Pipelines.


This DIY is a Hands on session which will get you a quick start into Developing Microservices on Kubernates Platform.

We will Setup Local Kubernetes Cluster and Containers Registry on WINDOWS or MAC.

And we will build Basic Microservice from Ground Up and then Build Container Image for it.

Then we will quickly write and use CI/CD Pipeline to Build & Publish Image to Local Registry.

And further CI/CD Pipeline to setup & tear down Local Kubernetes Cluster with Resources including, - Namespace - Service - ConfigMaps, Secrets, Ingress, Persistent Volume - Deployment/Pod and EFK (ElasticSearch, FluentD & Kibana) for Log aggregation.

At the End of this session, you will have a Local Kubernates Cluster up with Microservices running as Container Image with a simple but end to end CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins or similar.

And along with this, we will also setup K8Dash (Opensource Single Cluster Kubernetes Control Plane) and walk through the features such as Scaling, Log Tracing, SSHing into Pods and many others.


I believe this DIY session would help your audience get the head start at Microservices, Kubernetes & Containers space. I can provide presentations, GitHub, DockerHub and other resources to help understand the scale of my speaking experiences.