Shift Left in the Paradigm of Containers & Kubernetes

By Himanshu Patel

Elevator Pitch

Containerization means Operational ease and excellence. In business terms, improved stability, resiliency, availability, maintainability while reducing the cost! However, none of that comes easy and free though! Let’s explore how could we actually attain those values in Containers and Kubernetes!


Shift Left is a fundamental technique to identify and remediate the challenges in lower environments before they hit us hard in Production and impact our business and customers. Functional Testing including Usability and Feature Validation is quite common and primary focus for the testing. However, Nonfunctional testings including Performance, Load, Security, Failover, Configuration, Maintainability are equally important to maintain safe and healthy environments. Opening up our minds to understand the risk in the Paradigm of Containers and Kubernetes is the first step. And then to adopt the fundamental techniques of Shift Left, DevOps, DevSecOps, and Chaos Engineering to counter those risks. Let’s understand the risks involved and ways to mitigate them for the efficiency and excellence of Containerized Environments.


I believe the content and pitch of this session would be very engaging and informative to the audience as it touches the aspect of Digital Transformation, Containerization, and Kubernetes that is usually not the primary focus! I am sure many would be able to connect well with this Story and relate closely to the Challenges we faced and the Approach we took for the betterment. Also, I can provide presentations, GitHub, DockerHub, and other resources to help understand the scale of my speaking experiences if needed.