Modern Development — How Containers are Changing Everything

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

In this talk hear how containers are also changing the way that developers code, test and deliver. Learn about techniques that are being designed that will help reduce the knowledge burden on developers and are providing development environments more suitable to the new world of Cloud Native.


The rise of containerized applications, the need to deliver on the promise of polyglot microservice architectures and the growth of Kubernetes as the orchestration system of choice are all contributing to a development model that is quite different from the past and which is greatly increasing the amount of expertise and knowledge a developer needs on a daily basis.

This session will help you get a clearer view of the choices coming your way — from new platforms like Knative or Jenkins X through emerging event-based application architectures to new open source development tools designed to help manage the new complexities of being a developer. We’ll explore the principles behind these tools, why they are important and educate you on what you should be learning.

Just writing code is here to stay!