Quarkus fundamentals - sometime magicians do reveal their secrets

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

How does Quarkus deliver “supersonic, sub atomic Java”? Learn about the mechanics, philosophy & general re-imaging of Java frameworks that is making Quarkus the platform and toolkit for modern Java developers. Whatever is in your Java toolkit today you’ll want to make room for Quarkus.


A technical dive into how Quarkus delivers upon its promise of “supersonic, sub atomic Java”

If you want to know more about how Quarkus works and how you too can benefit from this modern marvel then this session is for you. We’ll explain the mechanics, philosophy and general re-imaging of Java frameworks for Cloud that is driving the rapid adoption of Quarkus as the platform and toolkit for modern Java developers.

Whatever is in your Java toolkit today you’ll want to make room for Quarkus.