Java in the 21st Century: are you thinking far enough ahead?

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

Learn about a different view of the future of Java: new hardware , new software & new ideas are powering Java towards a life far removed from that envisioned at its inception. Whether driven by AI or Quantum Computers the problems of tomorrow demand new approaches & new thinking. Are you ready?


The full abstract:

Discussions abound about the ‘future of Java’ though most of them are actually focused on the here and now. What are the consequences of Java 9 modularity, of moving JEE to Eclipse, of running your application in the cloud? All questions that are important now. but what are the important questions for tomorrow?

In this talk learn about a different view on the real future of Java. See how new hardware technologies, new software approaches and new ideas are powering Java towards a life far removed from that envisioned at its inception. It’s time to look up and see how you will need to change how you think: Whether it’s driven by AI or Quantum Computers the problems of tomorrow demand new approaches and new thinking. Are you ready?

(This talk contains moving parts)

In detail the talk will show examples from simple procedural thinking , through lambdas to neural networks etc up to quantum computing. The talk will cover how the JVM is being extended to embrace new forms of hardware - from GPU’s and FPGAs and large compute clusters through organic processors and (eventually) QC’s.
This talk will explain the journey that Java is on and how its ultimate end point is perhaps not what you’d expect. There will be at least one demo of a real QC planned


The QC demo will be remote and not quite live (ie its a batch process ) so some internet access is all thats needed.

As I work in a R&D Lab I get to play with some cool stuff and meet (and work with) some quite extraordinary people. This talk is the result of their work but I get to translate it all into what it means for the developer and for Java.