Cloud Native Java with OpenJ9: Fast, lean and definitely mean

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

IBM contribution of it’s proven, highly scaleable, industry strength VM to Eclipse gives Java users access to a alternative runtime that is designed for enterprise scale applications and works fantastically in the cloud. Hear how Eclipse OpenJ9 answers all of your Cloud native Java questions.


The economics of Cloud continues to dictate the need for radical changes to language runtimes. In this session lean about how OpenJDK with the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM is leading the way in creating an enterprise strength, industry leading Java runtime that provides the operational characteristics most needed for Java applications running in the Cloud. This talk will introduce the significant benefits that Eclipse OpenJ9 brings to Cloud applications and will show you how easy it is to switch to OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 in various Cloud and container environments. Whether deploying micro-services or more traditional Java applications the combination of OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 can help you reduce operational costs across the board.


There are no additional requirements for this talk beyond screen and internet connectivity.