Mind Control to Major Tom: Is It Time to Put Your EEG Headset On?

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

Using your mind to interact with computers is a long-standing desire. Advances in technology have made it more practical, but is it ready for prime time? This session presents practical examples and a walkthough of how to build a Java-based end-to-end system


Using your mind to interact with computers is a long-standing desire. Advances in technology have made it more practical, but is it ready for prime time? This session presents practical examples and a walkthough of how to build a Java-based end-to-end system to drive a remote-controlled droid with nothing but the power of thought. Combining off-the-shelf EEG headsets with cloud technology and IoT, the presenters showcase what capabilities exist today. Beyond mind control (if there is such a concept), the session shows other ways to communicate with your computer besides the keyboard. It will help you understand the art of the possible and decide if it’s time to leave the capsule to communicate with your computer.