Packed Objects: Fast Talking Java Meets Native Code

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

Worried about the future of Java? Want to see it keep moving forward? Don’t be concerned. The transformation of Java is already underway. Driven by new technologies and new opportunities Java and the JVM are entering uncharted worlds and challenging old approaches. Learn about one such expedition


Worried about the future of Java? Want to see it keep moving forward? Don’t be concerned. The transformation of Java is already underway. Driven by new technologies and new opportunities Java and the JVM are entering uncharted worlds and challenging old approaches. In this session learn about one such expedition in the form of an introductory talk to technology being developed by IBM. This experimental technology is exploring a new way to share data between the JVM and other runtimes. This new approach radically reduces the cost of data sharing and introduces new capabilities to Java that will benefit everyone, not just those interested in high speed interoperability. In a nutshell PackedObjects is designed to allow better control over the layout and form of fields within an Object. This approach provides better, faster, easier inter-op with native code. Would you like to be able to really share data with native applications? No copying, no special, arcane APIs. Just Java classes on one side, C style structures on the other and a lot less JNI. Even if you don’t directly work with JNI the platform level benefits are potentially enormous. Faster interoperability with any native code means faster networking performance, faster I/O and faster graphics rendering. Ever tried to write a 3D game in Java and been bottlenecked by OpenGL interoperability? PackedObjects can help eliminate the performance pain point. Come to this session and see PackedObjects in action.


Old talk. Tech has been superceded.