Beyond the PI - what’s next for the hacker in all of us?

By Steve Poole

Elevator Pitch

Being a geek can be a tough life. Once you’ve got those LEDs blinking or that robot moving the fun can be over. What else is there? From AR to VR, Mind control to autonomous drones we have everything. Bring your mind and let us refuel your imagination.


Are you tired of Raspberry Pi’s? Bored with Ardunios? Fed up with micro:bit? Being a geek can be a tough life. Once you’ve got those LEDs blinking or that robot car moving around the fun can be over. So what else is there to play with? What other exciting ideas are out there? For the geek at heart this talk will showcase some of the new and newish tech thats available for you to play with. From AR to VR, from Mind control to autonomous drones we have a lot of everything and some of it will even be on display. Whether it’s tech you can wear or tech that swims we’ve got the insight. Bring your mind and let us refuel your imagination. Drooling optional.