A DevOps Practitioner's Guide to Kubernetes.

By Paul Czarkowski

Elevator Pitch

Kubernetes is exploding in popularity right now and has all the buzz and cargo-culting that Docker enjoyed just a few years ago. But what even is Kubernetes? How do I run it? How do I run my apps in it? Should I even use it?


An introductory presentation on Kubernetes focussed on the relevant interests and concerns of curious DevOps practitioners. The talk starts with an overview of the components that make up Kubernetes and how they work together to form a platform for scheduling and scaling containers. Paul will then talk through the various resources that Kubernetes make available to the user and how they can be composed together to deploy scalable and robust applications, not only for “cloud native” app but also for existing apps, even the dreaded legacy apps. Paul will also talk about how it fits in with the existing ecosystem of tools and practices that you’re likely already be using. You’ll leave this talk with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Kubernetes, how it could fit into your DevOps toolchest, and sense of whether you should use it or not.


I come from an Operations/DevOps background and have recently started learning and using Kubernetes. I found there wasn’t a ton of good Ops focussed information about Kubernetes and am trying to fix that. I’m not looking to sell people on Kubernetes but to help them gain enough knowledge to determine if its something that they can use to improve their infrastructure and practices.

I presented an earlier version of this at devopsdays charlotte - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh3mEEAcfDY