Day 2 (and beyond) Operations with Kubernetes.

By Paul Czarkowski

Elevator Pitch

Many tools have been created to help install/provide a Kubernetes cluster but are lacking in support for day 2 operations such as logging and monitoring not to mention backups, upgrades, etc. Let’s close that gap with some useful patterns and tools.


Installing (or getting access to) a Kubernetes cluster is a difficult problem but there are many services and tools to make it easier for you and we can say that “Installing Kubernetes is a solved problem” without stretching the truth too far. However when it comes to Day Two Operations you’re left pretty much to your own devices. Some of this can (and will) be improved over time as the tooling to Install and Operate Kubernetes matures, however much of it is quite specific to the Operator and their business goals in running (or using) Kubernetes.

Once installed we need to consider such things as Monitoring, Logging, Obvservability as well as backups and upgrades for not just our Kubernetes clusters but also for the workloads running on them. While there is not a one size fits all solution for Day Two Ops, we can take from personal experience and listen to others in the community and we can come up with repeatable patterns that can apply broadly to Kubernetes and its workloads to close these gaps in operability.