How to unleash your features in Production *without breaking it!

By Pratik Parmar

Elevator Pitch

Unleash your features with feature flagging and see how they transform your applications. Learn how to create, manage, and evaluate features using powerful tools and techniques. Join this talk and discover how to release faster and safer in production, without breaking it.


Feature flagging is a technique that allows developers to deploy new features to a subset of users without affecting the entire system. It enables faster and safer delivery, experimentation, and feedback. Feature flagging can be implemented using various platforms and tools that provide different features and capabilities.

In this talk, you will learn how to use feature flagging to create, manage, and evaluate features in your applications. You will see how to control the rollout of new features, perform A/B testing, and monitor the impact of your changes.

You will also learn about the following aspects of feature flagging: Project and environment support: You can organize your feature flags into different projects and environments, such as development, testing, staging, and production. This allows you to have separate configurations and access controls for each context. Variants and strategies: You can define different variants and strategies for your feature flags, such as percentage rollout, user segment targeting, custom activation rules, and more. This allows you to fine-tune the exposure and behavior of your features for different scenarios and audiences. Metrics and analytics: You can track and analyze the usage and performance of your feature flags using various metrics and analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, Amplitude, Mixpanel, Datadog, Prometheus, and more. This allows you to measure the impact and value of your features on your business goals and user satisfaction. Integrations and plugins: You can integrate feature flagging with your existing tools and workflows using various integrations and plugins, such as GitHub, Slack, Jira, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform, and more. This allows you to streamline your feature management process and collaborate with your team members and stakeholders.