Data Science on Your iPad

By Preslav Rachev

Elevator Pitch

Data science is becoming more and more accessible to everyone willing to dive deep into it. Gone are the days when an expensive workstation was needed to even start. I will share my experience using a regular iPad, to run offline and online experiments while on the go, or in the leisure time.


This is a talk, I recently gave at a local Munich machine learning meetup. I wanted to convey the idea of using an iPad for actively running data science experiments, as opposed to passively consuming information. I illustrated my point with a few example iOS applications I personally use on a daily basis, which I hope would be good starting points to get the audience interested in the idea. Being an iOS developer, who has once built a 3rd-party App Store search engine, I know first-hand how difficult it is to find anything inside the App Store, more so, when carefully specifying what one is looking for. Therefore, I believe that if nothing else, even having this one collection of links should be a valuable starting point for further exploration.


Additional resources:

Slides from my meetup talk: The recap of my talk, described in detail on my blog: