Tracing Cloud-Native applications with Opentelemetry

By Rafael Benevides

Elevator Pitch

Developers used to debug applications one thread at a time. Now with microservices architectures, what used to be a single stack trace in a single machine became many stack traces spread among computers. This session shows how to perform a distributed tracing in your application using Opentracing.


We, developers, were used to debug applications one thread at a time. However, with the advent of microservices architectures, what used to be a single stack trace in a single machine became many stack traces spread among computers. Come to this session to see how to perform a distributed tracing in your application using Jaeger with Opentracing.


Many developers have interest in distributed tracing, but some might thing that it’s too complex for them to be implemented. This session shows how it is simple to perform a distributed tracing using Java and NodeJS.