How not suck at Microservices

By Rafael Benevides

Elevator Pitch

There are different frameworks and tools that you can use and join the pieces together into a Microservices Architecture. This session shows how you can combine them in a live demo that will open your eyes for the huge possibilities that Microservices can enable you when using Kubernetes.


With people trying MSA architectures, some failed, some succeeded. This talk will show what they need to not fail with MSA architecture.

You’ve been hearing about Microservices for months, and probably have taken a look about 12-factor and cloud-native apps too. But there’s a myriad of different Java frameworks and tools that you can use to craft your software and join the pieces together into a Microservices Architecture. You want to use the best platform to deploy all of them. Join this session to see how you can combine a lot of different technologies and tools in a live demo that will open your eyes for the huge possibilities that Microservices can enable you to achieve. We’ll have it all: containers, Docker, Java EE, Vert.x, Wildfly Swarm, Spring Boot, OpenShift, Jenkins, Kubernetes and perhaps much more.