Migration of critical RDBMS database to mongoDB

By Ramya Selvaraj

Elevator Pitch

Cons of RDBMS: • Requires huge downtime for maintenance activity. • complex architecture & less scalable.

Advantages of migrating to mongoDB. • Zero downtime for any maintenance activity. • highly scalable & Fault tolerant architecture.
• breakdowns complex architecture to simple.


Business & Use case: • Item hub is a repository which contains information about all Cisco hardware, software,Telephony & Wireless products. • It’s an internal repository where data will be used by many Cisco direct customers facing application. • 10 different Cisco revenue generating applications and 1000+ different services are dependant on Item hub. • item hub repository is migrated to mongo DB to support Zero downtime/Fault tolerant architecture.


  1. Who should attend? -> minimal knowledge about mongo architecture.

  2. Why should they attend? -> to understand real time use-case of mongoDB in bigger picture..

  3. What will I tell them? -> Best Real-time mongoDB use-case to support unstructured data. -> gives clear picture in designing architecture that supports mongoDB.
    -> Faster way to migrate data from relational database to mongoDB.