Python for financial analysis (Loan default prediction)

By Rising Odegua

Elevator Pitch

In this workshop, participants will learn to how to work with a data set that comes from multiple tables. Participants will also learn how to approach a machine learning project from end to end. I.e we will cover, data transformation, preparation, visualization, feature engineering and modelling.


Working with multiple data set is a skill all data scientist must possess. The major skill needed when working on projects like this is the ability to derive insights from these multiple data sources. Questions like; How do we perform Join and merge to correctly capture the insights we want often arises. In this workshop, participants will learn how to work on these kind of problems. We would also cover all the major stages of a typical data analytics project. I.e Data transformation and preparation, Data visualization, Feature engineering, and finally modelling. There would also be a special time for data modelling, where participants will learn how to compare and choose the best models for their data.


Technical requirements for this workshop are: Laptops at least 4gb ram, anaconda package distribution for local analysis, internet access for cloud analysis.

Am I the best man for the Job? I think I am the best man for the job because I have worked on multiple data analysis projects relating to financial data sets in the past two years, I am an expert in Python and machine learning, I have organised and successfully handled numerous workshops on behalf of Data Science Nigeria, I love to teach and I think I am good at it.