Feature flag driven development: Get features and fixes out now

By Ryan Overton

Elevator Pitch

Can’t embrace DevOps? Can’t release code when you want? Incomplete features holding back needed ones? Regression bugs showing up in production? Merge conflicts galore due to long running feature and bug branches? If you answered yes, come learn how feature flags can kick start your DevOps journey.


Want to get new features into the hands of your customers faster? Want to get bug fixes out faster? Tired of branching h#*! and merge conflict nightmares? Want to light the DevOps fire in your organization or team?

Too long have we been held back by not being able to release due to incomplete or poor performing features. Join us and learn how feature flag driven development can get your organization embracing DevOps and delighting customers. We’ll walk through common do’s and don’ts of feature flags, as well as, show how simple it is to get started using feature flags within your current environment.