Rebooting the Past: Modernizing Legacy Systems

By Sameer Paradkar

Elevator Pitch

This provides guide-rails for modernizing legacy applications & systems with modern technologies like Open Source and Java EE on cloud. The talk serves as reference for the technology options and decision considerations when you’re weighing these choices for architecting application and systems.


Application modernization become easier if there are tools and frameworks that can assist you during the discovery & assessments process and also during the modernization execution stage. In this talk, I would like to bring you through to learn using open source tools to help customers in transforming digital business through application modernization.

The basic idea is that the driver for any innovation begins with customer demand, improves with customer feedback, and repeats constantly (and profitably) until the demand changes and the whole cycle begins again. The faster your teams can get your own innovation flywheel spinning, the better you’ll be able to build modern applications and the more you will stand apart from competitors.
