Scott Showalter



For over 10 years, Scott has been pushing teams to thrive at crafting experiences for users of digital and physical products in a diversity of industries including security, banking, dining, public safety, transit, mobility and social media. He does nothing without first making connections with real users, understanding their journey, empathizing with their needs, and considering how they think and work to accomplish their goals within the context of the problem space. Scott has a dynamic presentation style, delivering learning in many ways for many different types of learners, and he threads humor throughout everything he teaches to help drive every point home and make each memorable. He encourages the use of Lean UX alongside agile delivery to iteratively conceive, validate and deliver valuable components of an experience within complex adaptive systems. Scott speaks frequently at conferences, teaching people to build teams that can create the right products by showing them how to solve meaningful problems that people actually care about. He runs 4 active experience design meetups across Ohio and Michigan that serve over a thousand designers, engineers and product leaders.