Breaking Free From Web UI Administration: Using PowerShell to Increase Efficiency and Eliminate Human Error in a Cloud-Focused World

By Nate Ferrell

Elevator Pitch

Onboarding a new hosted platform can be daunting, especially when considering how to administer tasks like access management or reporting where there is simply no out-of-the-box way to get the data you need. This talk focuses on using PowerShell and Web Services to make the “impossible” possible.


As organizations flock to the cloud and onboard hosted platforms and software, using platform-provided UI’s to administer your organization becomes more and more prevalent.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Using PowerShell with a platform’s REST APIs and/or .NET SDKs automate critical tasks like Access Management and reporting for auditing and productivity metrics using compiled data not directly available through the platform’s Admin Console/UI itself.
  • Using Pester to validate that the platform is appropriately configured.

This session will focus on G Suite [f.k.a. Google Apps] as the platform example, but will highlight use cases and patterns applicable to hosted solutions in general.


I have been working on a cross-platform DevOps team for 4 years where my primary individual focus has been automating reliability and reporting on the hosted platforms we use within our organization. Due to my prior experience with G Suite administration prior to coming on board, one of my initial focuses was around improving processes that at the time were very manual and time consuming (and prone to human error by nature). During this time, I built out the PSGSuite module to make our organization goals around G Suite management and reporting a reality, helping multiple teams close SLA gaps and gather critical data around our sales and servicing teams’ productivity.

Attendees for this talk should be familiar with PowerShell already and ideally have worked with RESTful Web Services before.