The Nightmare before Release: Fast and Often releases with Istio

By Sergii Bishyr

Elevator Pitch

Why software engineers are afraid of releases? Preparing for the release was always a nightmare. But Microservices and DevOps tend to change this situation. Releases should be fast and often. With the help of Istio, I will show that there’s nothing to be afraid of.


About the talk

The main reason we are afraid of releases are the bugs. Customers complain about the bugs, developers have to fix them ASAP which usually leads to overtime. That’s why we spend a lot of time testing the release, so the release transforms into a time-consuming process. This is the reason why most products decide to release rarely. But the rare release leads to more functionality to test, which leads to more chances of bugs, which leads to more testing time, which leads to rare releases, this leads to a vicious cycle. In this talk, I will show why and how to release fast and often.


  • Why are we afraid of releases
  • How to overcome the fear with more often releases
  • Release strategies

Live demo

Within the live demo I will have a deployed application and I will release new versions of the services. With the help of Istio, I will demonstrate different release strategies and how to implement them. I will show how to reduce the blast radius of the buggy release and how to do chaos testing in the microservices world.


This talks will be styled in the form of a scary story for the Halloween theme. I’m a software engineer with practical experience in Microservices and Istio. Also a speaker at a various event, including JEEConf in Kyiv and Voxxed Days Minsk.