gRPC for ASP.NET Core: A new framework for building RPCs

By Sourabh Shirhatti

Elevator Pitch

gRPC is a modern open source high-performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework. Come learn how to use gRPC and ProtocolBuffers to build high-throughput and low-latency services


ASP.NET Core is one of the most widely-used frameworks in the .NET ecosystem. By building a gRPC implementation that leverages the common cross-cutting concerns that have been solved like configuration, logging, dependency injection and health checks, .NET developers are more productive when building gRPC services on top of ASP.NET Core.

In this talk, we’ll introduce gRPC for ASP.NET Core, the new gRPC implementation that the .NET team is contributing to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). You’ll learn how to integrate gRPC with existing ASP.NET Core technologies as well as learn about new features introduced by gRPC.